July 6, 2020

1451 words 7 mins read

The Enormous Cost Of Digital Inequality

The Enormous Cost Of Digital Inequality

Both unintentionally and by design, we have reinforced a digital caste system that continues to divide communities into the haves and have-nots. What still remains unclear is not whether we can reverse engineer the disparate impact, but whether we, as a nation, believe that every resident in every community deserves equal access to a digital society.

It is hard to argue with the facts. While rem

ote learning mandates remain in place, six in ten low-income students have to attend online classes via cell phone or search for a public WiFi access point, while others have simply disappeared from their class rosters because they do not have a device to get online. Approximately half of Americans living on Tribal lands and one-third of those living in rural areas still do not have reliable connections. Their job opportunities, online businesses, and remote access to health care have suffered accordingly.

Roughly one-third of African American and Hispanic households struggle with digital access, adoption, and literacy. Deutsche Bank estimates that 76% of Blacks and 62% of Hispanics could get shut out or be underprepared for 86% of jobs in the US by 2045. Meanwhile, over forty percent of adults at or below the poverty line do not have reliable broadband of any kind.

This is everyones problem. And how we arrived here is less mysterious than it seems.

Since the National Broadband Plan was introduced in 2010, we have learned that when the market rewards providers with profits and control, they will come. However, relying on market forces alone cannot ensure that every community has access to broadband, a vital public good as important as electricity or clean water.

Federal policy designed to support broadband deployment strategies were based on the assumption that local and state entities would carry the mantle on increasing adoption. But, particularly in the wake of COVID-19, local and state governments are strapped for resources. Even if they are able to scrape together investments for digital infrastructure and adoption programs, few have adequate resources to do both well.

The digital divide has been relentless and unforgiving in the most under resourced communities, which have concurrently had to combat the threats from the COVID-19 pandemic, economic instability, and food insecurity. Ironically, being able to get online remains most elusive for those in the greatest need of digital pathways out of poverty.

The internet has increasingly become the public square just as high-speed connectivity has become the lifeblood of our economy. In a post-COVID landscape, when Americans need broadband to work and learn from home and medical attention requires making an appointment online, access impacts our quality of life. It also determines who and how households will recover from the pandemic and its economic fallout.

Whats more, the internet has introduced once unimaginable possibilities for the most disenfranchised voices among us. Standing Rock. Flint. Minneapolis. These movements are a part of our lexicon, in part, because organizers had access to a universal platform, then dared the nation to collectively say her name equality.

We need a plan, the kind that reaches every corner of the U.S. We need a nationwide strategy for broadband access that recognizes the importance of high-performance digital infrastructure and supports widespread adoption.

Above all, this needs to be a priority for every level of government, working together to encourage interagency participation and public-private partnerships that fuel innovation. Otherwise, we will continue to miss out on the productivity and imagination of the millions struggling with access.

Francella Ochillo is an attorney and digital rights advocate who has worked on a variety of technology and telecommunications issues. Her work often highlights how policy proposals impact unserved and underserved communities.

Author: Francella Ochillo

Date: 2020-11-04

URL: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20201021/15273445555/enormous-cost-digital-inequality.shtml


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