July 20, 2020

618 words 3 mins read

Samenvatting: ITS America Webinar laat zien hoe op Lidar gebaseerde oplossingen de veiligheid van voetgangers kunnen vergroten

Samenvatting: ITS America Webinar laat zien hoe op Lidar gebaseerde oplossingen de veiligheid van voetgangers kunnen vergroten

SAN JOSE, Californië–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Velodyne Lidar, Inc. (Nasdaq: VLDR) heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het de krachten bundelt met de Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) om een webinar te produceren waarin wordt onderzocht hoe lidar-technologie kan aandrijven intelligente mobiliteit in smart city-toepassingen. Velodyne en ITS America werken samen om vooruitgang te boeken

op het gebied van autonome voertuigen en slimme stadsoplossingen met als doel levens te redden, de

Date: 2020-11-08

URL: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201108005062/nl/?feedref=JjAwJuNHiystnCoBq_hl-Q-tiwWZwkcswR1UZtV7eGe24xL9TZOyQUMS3J72mJlQ7fxFuNFTHSunhvli30RlBNXya2izy9YOgHlBiZQk2LOzmn6JePCpHPCiYGaEx4DL1Rq8pNwkf3AarimpDzQGuQ==


Dataiku Profundiza la Integración con Snowflake a Medida Que la Creciente Lista de Clientes Mutuos Adopta el Aprendizaje Automático (2020-11-18) NUEVA YORK–BUSINESS WIRE–Hoy Dataiku una de las principales plataformas de aprendizaje automtico e inteligencia artificial IA empresarial del mundo ampli su asociacin estratgica con Snowflake creador de la nube de datos como socio tecnolgico de lite para Snowflake Partner Connect Dataiku es uno de los pocos socios de Snowflake con estatus Elite reflejo de los ms de 50 clientes que los dos lderes..
Global Radio Direction Finder (RDF) Market (2020 to 2024) - Players Include Koden Electronics, L3 Technologies Raytheon Among Others - ResearchAndMarkets.com (2020-12-03) DUBLIN–BUSINESS WIRE–The Global Radio Direction Finder RDF Market 2020-2024 report has been added to ResearchAndMarketscoms offering The radio direction finder RDF market is poised to grow by $6957 million during 2020-2024 progressing at a CAGR of 6% during the forecast period The report on the radio direction finder RDF market provides a holistic analysis market size and forecast trends growth ..
Pipefy Accelerates Toward the New Year as Momentum Builds (2020-12-04) SAN FRANCISCO–BUSINESS WIRE– #automation–Pipefy the business process management solution that empowers doers to build their own automated workflows and transform the way they work today announced triple digit annualized growth in the second half of 2020 In light of accelerated demand for digital transformation due to the impact of COVID-19 the company has also experienced growth in platform usa..
Verifyle and Reinvestment Partners Taxpayer Assistance Center – North Carolina VITA Coalition Partner to Protect Taxpayers and Tax Preparers from Hackers (2020-12-02) SAN JOSE Calif–BUSINESS WIRE– #SecureDocumentSharing–Verifyle to provide secure document sharing and messaging to Reinvestment Partners North Carolina VITA Coalitions tax coordinators and volunteers
PLDA XpressSWITCH IP for PCIe® Technology First Ever Switch soft IP to Pass PCI-SIG®’s PCIe 4.0 Compliance Tests (2020-11-06) SAN JOSE Calif–BUSINESS WIRE–PLDA the industry leader in high-speed interconnect solutions today announced that their XpressSWITCH IP is the Industrys first switch Soft IP SIP to pass all Gold and Interoperability tests at the PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop 115 held online in October 2020 The testing was conducted using PLDA XpressSWITCH IP for the PCI Express PCIe 40 specification running on a FPG..
CLARA Analytics Unveils Its AI-Based Litigation Avoidance Solution for Commercial Auto (2020-12-02) SANTA CLARA Calif–BUSINESS WIRE– #AI–CLARA Litigation for Commercial Auto applies AI and machine learning to reduce attorney involvement and litigation rates improve loss ratios
Entravision Launches New Audio Streaming Hub, El Botón (2020-11-23) SANTA MONICA Calif–BUSINESS WIRE–Entravision Communications Corporation NYSE: EVC a leading global media and marketing technology company today announced the launch of its new streaming destination El Botn Listeners can now stream their favorite Entravision radio shows and stations directly on their mobile phones or desktops by visiting elbotoncom El Botn offers listeners access to top Spanish r..
WorldRemit Releases Global TV Commercials to Showcase Clear Pricing and Create Opportunities for Customers (2020-11-11) LONDON–BUSINESS WIRE–WorldRemit a leading digital payments platform has released global television commercials across key markets
Daikin Names Doug Widenmann Senior Vice President and President of Daikin North America LLC (2020-11-17) HOUSTON–BUSINESS WIRE– #Daikin–Daikin North America LLC part of the worlds largest manufacturer of HVAC and refrigerant products has named Doug Widenmann as SVP and President
VoIP Market Procurement Intelligence Report with COVID-19 Impact Analysis Global Forecasts, 2020-2024